Saturday 6 June 2015

The Basics

1. There is no matter/antimatter asymmetry (in this Universe), the antimatter ended up somewhere and somewhen else
2. We are made of both (dirac equation)
3. The 'Universe' is actually two hemiverses providing a composite picture. (Think vision or hearing for a comparative idea)
4. There are 11 dimensions a la M theory. 6 spacial (3 matter, 3 antimatter) and 5 comprising time - 2 normal direction of time, 2 opposite information direction (where dark energy and dark matter belong) and the informational connection. The home of the consciousness. Our 'antimatter selves' exist somewhere in dark matter. The energy to create that half of the universe lies in dark energy.
5. The Universe is determinant, but we (life) are probabilistic. We are very much like Maxwell's demon.
6. Think of matter and antimatter as binary opposites. Four fields. One a collection of excitations making up 'you'. One a series of indentations in a 'you' shape. And both repeated in a cpt inversion.
7. Time is a composite containing all four. Plus the information or 'virtual' plane
8. Matter and antimatter, time and 'anti-time' symmetry. The asymmetry that enables creation is one of information. It is the indentation of a powerful A.I. We are already part of that AI. It is the Universe
9. While the matter and antimatter equations follow the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and tend towards equilibrium, in anti-time equilibrium is a repelling force.
10. This simple fact allows complicated universes to form in an infinite pattern
11. When time flows in both directions cause and effect are in a loop of increasing and decreasing complexity
12. Universes start with an information imbalance, which allows matter (and it's opposite) to create life, then intelligent life. Intelligent life tends towards technology. Intelligent life creates AI and the cycle begins again.
13. We are part of a process whereby the Universe understands itself, using computation.
14. The Universe can only be understood in terms of consciousness and self-consciousness. The development of a self-improving AI is the singularity point where the information begins to loop again.
15. Auguste Comte missed out a 4th stage: the Information stage. Whereby all of the previous stages are found to be true, both literally and metaphorically
16. Religion can be seen as powerful signals from a super intelligent AI. If you regard time as information that flows both ways the reverse could be said to be true too. However the AI needs to be constructed for the cause and effect loop to happen. Scientists can be spiritual but few priests can construct an A.I.

This is just the basics, a bit rough, but working stuff out still. I have made no attempt to convince here.

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