Thursday 4 June 2015


A lot of these post seem disjointed, contain some errors of logic and spelling mistakes. I am leaving things as I wrote them. Often I was in a fairly euphoric state when writing them. As I have explained, I'm bipolar and on a few occasions my mood has very much been on the 'up' phase. Details are unimportant in this stage, it's all big picture.

But the subject is of interest to me in both phases and, with the right medication to minimize the bipolar moods, I feel like I'm on to something.

Rather than do broad impulsive posts I'm trying to put a little thought and research into the next one.

One of the symptoms of bipolar is 'grandiose' thoughts. I don't think there is any more grandiose than what I'm going to suggest. But it explains so much. It is so simple. So simple that a person without a science background can suggest it. And it puts a lot of human ideas into a new context.

Taking all those things into account, and counter-measuring them against Sod's Law, it's bound to be wrong.

But it's going to be gloriously wrong. So glorious it needs to be right.

Samsara is the Eastern/Buddhist concept of the Wheel, the cycle of life, suffering, death and rebirth, ending only through nirvana, or 'release'. What we are released from, though, is the illusion we are on a wheel. We ARE the wheel and the wheel turns both ways. Nirvana is both the start and end of a journey.

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