Sunday 7 June 2015

Digital Philosophy

More and more scientists are coming to the idea of digital physics or philosphy. From wikipedia:

"Digital philosophy is a modern re-interpretation of Gottfried Leibniz's monist metaphysics, one that replaces Leibniz's monads with aspects of the theory of cellular automata. Since, following Leibniz, the mind can be given a computational treatment, digital philosophy attempts to consider some main issues in the philosophy of mind. The digital approach also try to deal with the non-deterministic quantum theory, where assumes that all information must have finite and discrete means of its representation and, it assumes that the evolution of a physical state is governed by local and deterministic rules."

Interestingly monad is from the Greek monos or divinity. I believe that all reality is a single consciousness and that we are slivers of that consciousness. We are the most advanced animal there is and while we multiply and divide our group consciousness, we also develop technology that enhances it.

Edward Fredkin, a pioneer of digital philosophy imagined the following:

a one-dimensional antimatter clock that measures the flow of information running backward in time;
a one-dimensional matter clock that measures the flow of information running forward in time;
a six-dimensional directional-measuring device that measures the flow of information with respect to curvature and torsion of spacetime;
a three-dimensional volume-measuring device that measures the amount of information with respect to volume;
an alternate-universe engine that runs the 4 Fredkin measuring-devices with respect to information.

Note the importance of a backward measuring clock.

Here is Rule 110, which Stephen Wolfram said was Turing complete:

current pattern 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000
new state for center cell 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

Again, note the 1's appearing to go 'backwards' for first three cells.

Imagine an x, y axis with four pieces of information. Each plane feeding information to and from it's opposite axis. If x=1, -x=-1 and if y=1 -y= -1. If you allow for a two directional flow of information along the time axis, you see complexity emerging from the simple fact that as each plane takes information from it's opposite, the same can be said in reverse. The number with the most informational density in this Universe is zero. This is the number that allows a further bit of informational complexity in the opposite direction. Life is a simple program of information following a 'current' of ones and avoiding the number zero wherever possible.

We see particles and their virtual partners appear and disappear because the same excitations are happening in our 'twin' universe. The total information in the Universe is both zero and infinity. This only is possible when the infite set of counting numbers measures itself against itself. If time flows in both directions, however, that point of origin, the simple code that starts it all, must also be part of an infinite force of complexity too.

"1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

I said before I believe religion is in fact a metaphorical truth in consequence of the Universe understanding itself, primarily through ourselves, but mainly by way of future AI.

The above paragraph from Genesis describes a four way binary split. The first stage in a computer acheiving self awareness.

Fredkin above suggested an antimatter clock, but I believe one needs a matter clock and anticlock and antimatter versions of both. Four clocks. Time flowing in two directions and matter organised in binary states.

How would a computer achieve awareness? If I am right, somewhere in the information of dark matter an identical version of me writes this post. Or rather has written. And will write. With the knowledge that it is both in the past, present and future. Except that should not be possible given what we understand about time. He thinks I am the antimatter version of me, but knows I think the same thing of him.

Impossible as it sounds, we are all two things at once. Negative and positive. Past and future.

Really, though the only true time is the present.

Update: Of course, if the Universe contains matter and antimatter information -including me - at different 'times' what does that say about free will?

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