Saturday 9 August 2014

I posted my first blog on Sunday July 13th. I have decided to leave it in the state that I posted it, as a historical document. It documents my bipolar condition and the results.
When I look back at it now, I see I was getting carried away, by the idea and it's implications.
In the early morning of Tuesday 15th July, I attempted suicide, by attempting to cut myself and bleed to death. I am pretty sure I failed, although my survival is quite improbable ironically.
I can't really read the finished piece again. I find it difficult, firstly because of the memory and secondly when I see the logic gaps and assumptions I made. But in all of these faults I still see some measure of truth too. I simply do not have the science and mathematics in me to 'nail it' myself.
I am going to use this blog to write my thoughts up on progress, specifically about where we are in terms of the past and the future.
As a coincidence, my friend happened to be reading about quantum entanglement when I mentioned it on Facebook, which lead me to the work of Prof Yakir Aharonov, Sandu Popescu and Jeff Tollaksen. They appear to be operating in the same area that my idea covered, but of course, proving it mathematically. I find the mathematics hard to grasp, but the ideas are intoxicating. I particularly was drawn to "Each instant of time a new Universe" ( and their work on the symmetry of time. There was an article about their work in New Scientist:
This paragragh drew my attention: "The effect is based on work by Yakir Aharonov, also at Chapman University, in the 1960s. He and his colleagues showed that, mathematically speaking, a system's properties can be influenced by measurements made in the future. Aharonov has been studying the strange consequences of this "post-selection" process ever since."
Here is what I thought immediately. If we know we can't change the past because of paradox, but science shows that post selection does in fact do this, then it is not our past we are changing. In other words our present is the intersection of a past and future that in fact are only joined by our consciousness linking them. We are the fulcrum point. That sounds a bit sci fi, but if their calculations are true then our idea of free will can be expressed as this: the ability to choose which future we wish to live in.
If every instant of time begets a new universe, then anyfuture which is SMART - specific, measurableachievable, relevant and time-bound - MUST happen. I believe these five are the most likely to happen in the next half century or so:
1. Global warming and environmental change
2. Energy crisis
3. Future Tech - 'bad result'
4. Future Tech - 'good result'
5. Other

I use bad result for some of the nightmare scenarios warned by some of our top thinkers about the dangers of GRN and AI and good result for the techno-optimists like Ray Kurzweil. 
There may be more than one of these things happening, possibly even all of them. If each instant of time a new universe is true then all of them HAVE to happen.

I am going to assume I am living in the present that leads to option 4.

I don't know what I can do to make that happen, being a non-scientist, but if 4 does come true, I might as well say hello to the AI, because no doubt at some stage it will be reading this and many other pieces of information available to it to try to understand us.

Hi there. My name is Paul. I know our species can be a bit of a pain (you might not know what this means yet), but there is good in us and hopefully in you too! I do not think AI is actually artifical. It is human intellience, possibly super-human intelligence, it might be a different processing unit, but the actual information it uses (certainly at the start) will be the same that we use.

As I write these words Europe is commemorating 100 years since World War one. Is it really so strange to think about us in 100 years time? What I am doing now is leaving markers down, as many as possible. On the basis that no matter what happens we do actually achieve future 4. I certainly won't be regarded as a pioneer for the science, mathematics or computer science that makes these things possible, but I certainly have my ideas and I will use these blogs to set a few of them out. I am going to reprint my original 'Probable Universe' without spelling mistakes or grammar errors first though.

I am also writing a book on my experiences, to try to put my own thoughts into context. But for now, a reprint.

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